Anodizing Automatic Plant

Anodizing Automatic Plant

Anodizing Automatic Plant
Anodizing Automatic Plant

We are the main company in India in the field of Anodizing Automatic Plant. For any questions contact us for a free quote!

Anodizing is a method for changing the surface chemistry of metals and other substrates. One of the most durable surface treatments available, it prevents corrosion, improves aesthetics, resists scratches, and is extremely long-lasting. The thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal components is increased through the electrolytic passivation process of anodizing. Aluminium alloys are anodized to improve adhesion, lubrication, dyeing (colouring), and surface hardness, as well as corrosion resistance.

Why is Anodising Important?

Given the previously given facts, it is true to state that the anodizing process can be utilized to shield the metal’s surface from potential abrasion damage. Aluminium alloys can be anodized to create a protective layer of aluminium oxide that resists rust and other forms of wear and tear. An enduring, corrosion-resistant substance is aluminium oxide. Additionally, the electrochemical method enables the application of colours to the surface without the risk of peeling.

Key Advantages of Anodising Aluminium Alloys

  • Corrosion resistance
  • The natural metallic anodized finish
  • No risk of adhesion failure of the anodic film 
  • No risk of surface finish fading
  • Preservation of the original surface finish texture and design
  • Optimal surface coverage 

Benefits of Anodizing Automatic Plant


The majority of anodized items have extraordinarily long lifespans and provide significant financial benefits due to maintenance and operational cost savings. For complete bonding and unrivalled adhesion, anodizing is a reactive finish that is merged with the underlying aluminium.


Anodizing offers a large and increasing number of gloss and colour alternatives and minimizes or eliminates colour variations. Unlike other finishes, anodizing allows the aluminium to maintain its metallic appearance.

Ease of Maintenance

Scars and wear from fabrication, handling, installation, normal surface dirt cleaning, and usage are essentially non-existent. Anodized surfaces may typically be cleaned with mild soap and water or rinsed to bring back their original appearance. For tougher deposits, you can use mild abrasive cleansers.

Automatic Plating Plants

Automatic Plating Plants

Automatic Plating Plants
Automatic Plating Plants

We are one of the finest companies in Chennai in the field of Automatic Plating Plants. For any questions contact us for a free quote!

We’re the Leading manufacturer of Top Excellent Automatic Plating Plant the Marketplace. This plant is quite powerful in executing an osmosis procedure in which metal beams are carried through an electric field over the clear answer. This plant offers excellent quality and higher strength coat, therefore broadly acclaimed. This plant is constructed from premium high-quality components to deliver perfect electroplating. Our customers can avail that this caliber of Automatic Planting at low prices.

The automatic Plating plant manufacturing line is utilizing a cantilever crane directly, while the crane is built with a lifting hook. Additionally, their proximity switches and detectors in a suitable location on board, along with the sensors will soon be installed in line with the positioning railroad, so crane drag and translation lifting will probably more quickly be positioned by detectors. For simplicity in excuse of Crane performance for plating lines, today will simplify 30 channels 30 into five loading channels, pre-processing channels, whirlpool tub channels, after-processing channels, along with unloading stations.

Loading and unloading station are now the beginning and end of the crane working out. On loading place, suspended the plating work bit, then return the loading channel to hold electroplating services and products, i.e., cycle the work. Lift the hanging job piece, perhaps not stop until the detector is near the top limit. Proceed into the alternative, proceed crane directly until the detector process the 2 and, then discontinue, now, the hook only over the pre-processing channel.

Our Automatic Plating Provides Results

To save customers money and guarantee predictable results, our industrial plating company designs and builds nearly all of its complete automatic plating equipment. As a result, they can serve very small or prototype volumes by wiring up a few parts to produce jobs requiring fool-engineered plating for mass production.


To successfully satisfy the luxury essentials of the customers, we’ve got developed a state-of-the-art infrastructure in Sri Vinayaga Fibre. It’s supported by a team of professionals, who possess years of working experience within their several domain names. We follow the top quality testing procedure to make sure these services and products, invented by us are perfect and consistent with the global quality standards according to ISO. Our commitment to quality and make effort to supply maximum client satisfaction has allowed us to advance widely in a variety of places in the nation.





We’re the Leading manufacturer of Top Excellent Automatic Plating Plant the Marketplace. This plant is quite powerful in executing osmosis procedure in which metal beams are carried through an electric field over the clear answer. This plant offers excellent quality and higher strength coat, therefore broadly acclaimed. This plant is constructed from premium high-quality components to deliver perfect electroplating. Our customers can avail that this caliber Automatic Planting low prices.

Automatic Plating plant manufacturing line is utilizing cantilever crane directly, while the crane built with lifting hook. Additionally, their proximity switches and detectors in a suitable location on board, along with the sensors will soon be installed in line with positioning railroad, so crane drag and translation lifting will probably more quickly be positioned by detectors. For simplicity in excuse of Crane performance for plating lines, today will simplify 30 channels 30 into five loading channel, pre-processing channel, whirlpool tub channel, after-processing channel, along with unloading station.

Loading and unloading station are now beginning and ending of crane working out. On loading place, suspended plating work bit, then return loading channel to hold electroplating services and products, i.e., cycle the work. Lift the hanging job piece, perhaps not stop until detector near the top limit. Proceed into the alternative, proceed crane to directly until detector process the 2 and, then discontinue, now, the hook only over the pre-processing channel.

Our Automatic Plating Provides Results

To save customers money and guarantee predictable results, our industrial plating company designs and builds nearly all of its complete automatic plating equipment. As a result, they can serve very small or prototype volumes by wiring up a few parts to producing jobs requiring fool engineered plating for mass production.


To successfully satisfy with the luxury essentials of the customers, we’ve got developed a state-of-the-art infrastructure in Sri vinayaga fibre. It’s supported by a team of professionals, who possess years of working experience within their several domain names. We follow the top quality testing procedure to make sure these services and products, invented by us are perfect and consistent with the global quality standards according to ISO. Our commitment to quality and make an effort to supply maximum client satisfaction has allowed us to advance widely in a variety of places in the nation.